May 2024
VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
United States




Sarah identifies challenges, mistakes, near-misses and uses these incidents as a moment to re-educate the team as well as provide the team with the resources needed to make the change.
Sarah McDivitt goes above and beyond for the nursing staff as well as for the department. Sarah identifies challenges, mistakes, near-misses and uses these incidents as a moment to re-educate the team as well as provide the team with the resources needed to make the change. Sarah takes it upon herself to create a list of swabs (viral, STD, etc) and what each swab tests for. Sarah created a laminated, handy information packet that is readily available for all providers and nurses to use to ensure the correct swab is being used for the desired test. Sarah not only addresses current problems within the department but also anticipates possible areas of concern. Sarah continues to seek areas of improvement for our department. Sarah has improved the work environment as well as the patient experience.