Bailey L
May 2024
Bailey L
Youngstown State University Centofanti School of Nursing
United States




My favorite story is on clinical when I found her in her patient's room with a basin and Q-tip applicator, cleaning the roommate's nails because she had company coming and was upset about her nails.
Bailey is always so quick to help not only other students, but all of our patients. One specific time, Bailey took the time to clean a patient's nails and spend time to make sure the patient was comfortable and happy. The patient wasn't even assigned to her. She is always going above and beyond for others.


Bailey has been an absolute delight since the beginning of this program. Her kindness and compassion are evident in everything she does, from clinical to coursework. She has made a huge impact on many patients over the last few years. My favorite story is on clinical when I found her in her patient's room with a basin and Q-tip applicator, cleaning the roommate's nails because she had company coming and was upset about her nails. She always maintains a positive attitude even in the face of high stress and anxiety. She supports cohesiveness in her fellow classmates by forming study groups and coming up with mnemonics or funny sayings to help them remember as well. She has excellent communication skills and self-awareness and takes accountability for actions and decisions. I can’t wait to see her blossom as a new nurse.