John Reynolds
May 2024
Urgent Care
VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
United States




Mr. Reynolds is one of the most passionate, committed, and loyal employees I have had the pleasure to lead.
Recently, there was an incident with a veteran who was self-harming and had suicidal ideations. It was a sensitive situation as the veteran was also a retired employee of VAHV. When the veteran came to Urgent Care for help, something triggered him and made him extremely upset. He became extremely agitated and the situation escalated quickly. John Reynolds immediately stepped in and connected with the veteran to calm him. John’s special way with veterans allowed him to diffuse the situation and allowed everyone to regain focus to help the veteran who was in need. According to the veteran, “John exhibited a level of competence and professionalism that makes him invaluable to the Department of Veteran Affairs”. The veteran also added that “this is not an isolated incident”, and that over the years “John has been a true asset to the care he receives at the VA”.

As the veteran indicated, this is only one example of the meaningful impact John has every single day on the veterans we serve. Being a veteran himself, he truly treats them all as family.
I contacted John’s supervisor to ask what she thought about nominating him for the DAISY Award and not only did she agree wholeheartedly but she provided the following, “Mr. Reynolds is one of the most passionate, committed, and loyal employees I have had the pleasure to lead. His constant problem-solving mindset has identified areas of opportunity for improving processes not only within our unit, but also at the interdepartmental level. He has been responsible for developing and implementing many new processes such as a tracker for psychiatric admissions and a hand off report for the NODs. Mr. Reynolds’ interventions are always oriented towards the benefit of veterans. Mr. Reynolds has set the tone as an example of successful leadership and commitment. His compassion is shown every single day he works. He goes above and beyond to fulfill the mission of the VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System. He has been of fundamental support for the organization, he has volunteered countless times to cover as NOD, helping the organization maximize resources. At one time, he helped cover one of the shifts, after already working for 12 hours. When Mr. Reynolds is taking care of the veterans, every single one is treated as a VIP. He takes the time to listen with no judgment and helps the veterans to the best of his abilities. He has received countless KUDOS from patients, family members, superiors, and peers. His commitment to the VA exceeds expectations, exemplifying excellence in every way. I have witnessed him with patients, showing that superb level of care, compassion, ethics, and kindness. He is an asset for the team and for the organization. He constantly goes above and beyond his duties and responsibilities to ensure veterans receive the highest quality of care. safety for the staff and the veterans. His work ethic, exceptional customer service and unparalleled dedication reflect great credit on him and the Hudson Valley VA Healthcare system”.