David Collins
March 2024
General Surgery
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center
United States




The CNA came up to the desk after the walk and stated "I feel like I have just seen a miracle". This patient had never walked while he was on our floor, but due to David's encouragement and commitment to make sure this happened, he did it!
David is an outstanding nurse on our floor! David is always willing to take the "harder" patients, even if it means more work for him. On this particular day, David already had one high acuity patient and asked to take another room, which was also a very high acuity patient (he wasn't assigned them; he asked for them). This particular patient had been with us for several weeks, and prior to that, had been here just a month or so before, also for at least a month. During the previous visit, that patient never got out of his bed. He'd lay in his bed, feeling helpless, defeated, and in very poor spirits. David was convinced he could turn that around on this visit. David started the day off right away, dealing out some "tough love" like he normally does. He convinced the patient that he was able to get up out of bed himself and use the bathroom. He convinced the patient to take a shower (something he didn't like to do, and often refused doing so). Once David had him up in the shower, he changed all the bedding in the room, which he does for most of his patients, and then he convinced him to try going for a walk with his walker. The patient had several things hooked up to him, so walking wasn't super easy to do. I was sitting at the desk when I saw David come out with the patient, along with the CNA. David kept encouraging the patient as they walked that he was doing good, and to take a few more steps. Later that day, they walked again, this time going further than they had the time before. The CNA came up to the desk after the walk and stated "I feel like I have just seen a miracle". This patient had never walked while he was on our floor, but due to David's encouragement and commitment to make sure this happened, he did it! Once he walked 2 or 3 times that day with David, he started walking several times a day every day! The patient's entire demeanor changed after that day. He was encouraged, he was motivated, and he had a reason to live! It was only a short time later that the patient got discharge orders to go home. We didn't think he would ever leave here and go home; he was so sick & helpless. David literally turned this patient's life around! David's care for his patients, especially this one, goes above & beyond the call of duty! The CNAs on the floor love to work with him because he's such a huge help! He changes linens, he showers patients, he empties trash in his rooms, he empties linen carts, he does it all! He is not above doing any job! He is a true joy to work with and an outstanding, compassionate nurse!