March 2024
Oakland University School of Nursing
United States




She is the type of nurse that patients want and students want to be.
I had Professor West for my Fundamentals of Nursing Practice clinical and she was amazing. She was very involved and reassuring. She is the type of nurse I strive to be. Professor West is very caring and understanding. She enjoys teaching, is very knowledgeable and is a great role model. She is enthusiastic about educating future nurses and shows great empathy towards her students. Nicole is someone that I aspire to be. She is kind, compassionate, and always willing to lend a hand. She is the type of nurse that patients want and students want to be. Nicole was both my didactic and clinical instructor. During that time, she did everything possible for us to excel. She allowed us to be independent but still be safe and anyone would be lucky to have her. She always took time to show us the proper way to perform skills and encouraged us to jump in and participate in skills that we haven’t done yet. I have had the pleasure of keeping in touch with her outside of school and have even used her as a professional reference for a job. As someone who was extremely scared and stressed, I couldn’t imagine having another instructor for my first clinical rotation. She is so special in the way she taught her students. She simplified the materials and explained every detail to help the students succeed! Professor West is an amazing instructor. Her lectures and explanations are very easy to understand, and it is clear from her incredible powerpoint slides how much effort she puts into her presentations. She truly wants us to learn and understand the very difficult topic of pharmacology! She is also a very kind individual. She is there for students and allows us to vent and cry. She works with us to calm our nerves, and comes up with methods to help us study and alleviate stress. She stays the entire time in between classes to answer questions and help with assignments (an entire hour)! Her passion for teaching and concern for students is evident in everything she does!