Lorie Watson
June 2024
Peds Day Surgery
Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport St. Mary Medical Center
United States




Lorie was nothing less than amazing. She’s a great nurse and a great asset to peds day surgery.
Lorie always goes above and beyond with customer service for the families of her peds day surgery patients. After she has the patients taken care of, she then goes the extra mile to make the parents and families more comfortable. She personally walks them to the PICU family room and shows them where they can wait and where they will be most comfortable. She also makes sure to introduce them to the PICU staff prior to the kid arriving to post-op. This helps to decrease stress and nerves for the kid's family. I have been told by the kid's families how much they appreciate this kindness.

I came in to get my wisdom teeth out and Lorie was amazing. She was very kind and explained everything to me. I was very nervous about my procedure but she helped calm me down and was so caring. I was very scared to get an IV and she did a great job. I am terrified of needles and Lorie was nothing less than amazing. She’s a great nurse and a great asset to peds day surgery.