Patricia Mooney
June 2024
Maternity Unit
Letterkenny University Hospital
Co. Donegal




She helped myself and my partner throughout the worst week of our lives. She was so caring
I was almost 20 weeks pregnant and found out I was losing my baby. I spent a week in a special room which is for pregnancy loss. My baby's heartbeat was strong so I had to wait every day for a week until she passed away and for me to give birth to her. During that week I was blessed with amazing midwives checking on me. One particular midwife is Patricia Mooney. She helped myself and my partner throughout the worst week of our lives. She was so caring, friendly, and told stories of her own loss which helped me as I could relate to her. After I had my baby, she helped wash and dress her. She kept using my baby girl's name. She kept talking to her as if she was alive saying wee darling and dressed and caressed her so gently. Patricia is such a hard worker but also is amazing at her job. I had a baby boy and she was in charge of the labor wards and looked after us amazingly, kept reassuring me, she's just an amazing midwife and person and no matter how much I thank her it's not enough. To me she is an angel that has been helping people and never looks for any reward