Sara Mc Donnell
December 2023
Mc Donnell
Registered General Nurse
Donal Hollywood Ward
St James's Hospital




It was such a moving and thoughtful gesture and worked so well. There were no tears from the kids that day, particularly my 3 year old and it made saying goodbye a lot easier.
All the staff in Hollywood have been amazing and each has done certain things that have been thoughtful and considerate. But Sara McDonnell has gone above and beyond. One thing I have struggled with during frequent long admissions is not seeing my children as often as I would obviously like to. But on occasions I have been able to meet them which is the loveliest thing but I find saying goodbye and returning to the ward extremely difficult. On one occasion Sara knew I was going to see them and was very understanding of my dread of having to say goodbye and not returning home with them, so she gave me knitted hearts - one for me and one for each child to help explain even though we are apart we are connected with our hearts. It was such a moving and thoughtful gesture and worked so well. There were no tears from the kids that day, particularly my 3 year old and it made saying goodbye a lot easier. It was such a simple gesture but so kind, compassionate and thoughtful - I will be forever grateful for that. Thank you Sara.