Angela Schnell
May 2024
Home Health
SSM Health at Home
St. Louis
United States




She prioritizes patient needs and is supportive of staff as well. She is a team player as well as a team leader!
She keeps a cool head NO MATTER WHAT! Cool and steady. When the world appears to be blowing up around us, Angela stays professional yet compassionate!    

It’s amazing how Angela can smooth ruffled feathers while keeping our mission intact. She never gets upset to our faces. She may be outside of the staff’s visual, but we don’t know about it! She prioritizes patient needs and is supportive of staff as well. She is a team player as well as a team leader! When someone is ill, she steps in to help.     

If the staff nurses feel supported, the patients feel supported. It’s the trickle-down theory! Since I started working at SSM, a lot of changes have occurred in the home health department—all for the good! Angela was key in making these changes.    

Angela does not hesitate to jump into a conversation to keep our goals true. We have humans caring for humans - most of them having their worst days! Angela helps us focus on the best practices.     

Consistency. Angela Schnell is the advocate for the field and office staff. She has weathered some difficulties and I, as a staff nurse have felt supported even when I’m 50 miles away from the office. She keeps an appropriate focus, supportive of staff and shows by example the mission of SSM Health at Home.