William Ceccoli
March 2024
Southwest General Healthcare Center
Middleburg Heights
United States




During L's battle, Will always put her well-being and comfort at the top of the list. His compassion didn't stop there. He also sensed how distraught we were and listened attentively to our stories and sadness about the path of our battles.
Will stands out like a shining star in the midnight sky. His care was so outstanding I asked how long he had been in nursing. I was totally shocked to find out it has only been ONE year. He stands out as one with more experience beyond his one year. Will's compassion for his patients is written all over his face. He also backs up the caring of his patients with ultimate concern for their comfort and well-being. My dear cousin L, stricken with the dreadful disease of ALS, was admitted the night of Monday. Our first encounter with Will was on Wednesday. During L's battle, Will always put her well-being and comfort at the top of the list. His compassion didn't stop there. He also sensed how distraught we were and listened attentively to our stories and sadness about the path of our battles. He saw to everyone's needs. I feel strongly that Will also went above and beyond his nursing duties. When L was taken off her ventilator, he was there for us also. When she kept up the fight, he was present spending much needed time with her and also us. Countless times he explained to us the numbers representing her vitals and what they meant. At this time, L was still fighting. Levels went down, but she was still there with us. A CPAC had to be put on. L was agitated with it. Once again, Will went the extra mile by making sure her mouth was periodically swabbed and rinsed, which was what she liked and was accustomed to. (We talked; Will listened). L needed her feeding tube replaced due to EMTs cutting through it. Will was there again, staying on top of when the procedure would be, and had open communications with us on all of the updates. Through the night and into the morning, my dear cousin took a turn for the worse. Once again, Will was there for us, explaining everything. Each time her mask was removed to rinse her mouth and clean out her phlegm, her vitals would plummet. L did not want to live if she could not breathe on her own. We were then prepared to let her go and guess who was there. Will. Confusion about visitors being allowed by her husband, then not, then yes was navigated kindly and professionally by Will. It was obvious Will truly cared. Unfortunately, my cousin L lost her battle with ALS that Saturday. FORTUNATELY, she was under the care of one of the BEST nurses around, Will. At the end Will continuously displayed compassion, professionalism, and kindness to ALL of us. Will truly needs to be recognized as a nurse who continues to go above and beyond. Thank you.