Brittany Crowder
May 2024
Eskenazi Health
United States




Brittany then prayed out loud with her, using words that reflected she had truly heard the core concerns at the heart of the mother's distress.
I'm the family support coordinator in NICU, and I collaborate frequently with staff to advocate for families, provide emotional support, and navigate life as a new parent in the hospital. Yesterday, Brittany, a NICU nurse, called me and asked if I could quickly come to help with a crisis. When I arrived, I discovered Brittany sitting on the floor with a new mom, who had collapsed in emotional agony. Brittany was soothing the mom with her words and rubbing her back. When I entered, she introduced me and told mom how I can help. I joined them on the floor, and Brittany stayed. She didn't do a hand-off but stayed to make sure the mom continued to feel safe, calm, and supported, and to build rapport together. Throughout this experience of co-support, I noticed the ways that Brittany practiced fundamentals of trauma-informed care, beautifully, naturally. She created safety by identifying removable stressors and getting them out of the room, she built trust with the mom by staying on her level, and showing deep care and concern; she offered simple choices to support mom's autonomy (i.e. identifying helpful referrals, explaining them, and asking for mom's preferences & consent), and made space for the mom to collaborate in her own emotional recovery through active listening and empowering mom to share her own thoughts about what she needed in that moment. When the mom said that she wanted someone to pray with her, "it could be a nurse or anybody," Brittany did. She asked if mom liked music. When she said she loves it and finds it soothing, Brittany put on soft music in a style that mom said she liked. Brittany then prayed out loud with her, using words that reflected she had truly heard the core concerns at the heart of the mother's distress. Brittany did this while coordinating numerous referrals (social work, music therapy, chaplain). Eventually the mom saw CIU. Brittany deserves a bouquet of daisies for her loving care. She is exceptional in all ways.