June 2024
Inova Alexandria Hospital
United States




With every single push, she was rooting me on and responding to my cues to adjust what we were doing. She brought out every trick in the book as our team worked together, switching positions every few pushes to give me the best chance for the birth I wanted.
There are certain people you meet, even for a short time, that you remember for the rest of your life. Nurse Jennifer Stanley is one of those people for me. I met Nurse Jen as a first-time mom going into labor at Inova Alexandria Hospital in April 2024. I was so excited to deliver our baby, especially because he is a double rainbow baby who came to us through IVF after two miscarriages. After trying for so many years, I was eagerly anticipating the labor experience, and I spent many months taking childbirth classes, reading, researching, practicing, and preparing for my labor experience. Labor experience. I strongly preferred an unmedicated birth, and did everything I could to prepare for that.

After a strong start, my labor stalled - luckily for me and my baby, this happened right as Nurse Jen was coming back on shift. I made the tough decision to get an epidural as my pain turned into suffering. The anesthesiologist was delayed due to an emergency, and Nurse Jen was there for me through every contraction, coaching me through breathing and bringing me every comfort item she knew of, even ones I wasn't aware of like combs. Nurse Jen also took the time to carefully read my birth preferences, which I had spent months preparing. I noticed that all of a sudden, my care team was wearing masks, which was my preference but not something I could expend energy to ask for. She also called me by my preferred name, which made such a big difference for me. She continued to provide amazing support through my epidural. Nurse Jen stepped up even more when it was time to push. As a first-time mom, I had no idea how to push, and she patiently guided me through this along with my midwife. With every single push, she was rooting me on and responding to my cues to adjust what we were doing. She brought out every trick in the book as our team worked together, switching positions every few pushes to give me the best chance for the birth I wanted. As I pushed, my body responded by expelling many bodily fluids, and Nurse Jen cleaned me up with every push - I think she used every wipe in the hospital to keep me clean! This is just one example of the work Nurse Jen put in to make sure I received the best care possible. We kept at this for hours, and she barely took breaks, even though I'm sure this was exhausting for her.

When my baby failed to descend, I had a tough decision to make about whether to get a C-section. I talked to the obstetrician and midwife, then asked everyone to clear out of the room so I could talk to my family. As they did, I looked at Nurse Jen - my rock at this point - and asked her what I should do. She told me that I should make the best decision for me and my baby, reiterated the great job I had done, and reminded me of what I had said hours earlier - my priorities were: #1 to deliver a healthy baby, and #2 to avoid a C section. This was exactly what I needed to hear in order to make the choice to have a C-section for the benefit of me and my baby. I was relieved when Nurse Jen told me she would be there because I knew she would take care of us, and this made me feel safe going into my surgery. She explained what would happen and that she would work to honor my preferences, like skin-to-skin, as much as possible. On the operating table, I felt nauseous, and of course I called for Nurse Jen's help because I trusted her. After our baby arrived safely, I asked to see my placenta, and I will always remember her bringing it over to me carefully and showing me how cool it was!

Our son W arrived safely into the world. After I delivered, Nurse Jen congratulated me and told me she was going off shift. I couldn't find the words to tell her how much everything she did meant to me.

I later found Nurse Jen's LinkedIn profile, and noted that she described herself as "Not your typical RN". I couldn't agree more. Nurse Jen went above and beyond for me and my family during our challenging labor. As I reflect back on the toughest and scariest days of my life, there is a shining light: Nurse Jen and the amazing care I received. Inova is lucky to have Nurse Jen working there, and every patient she treats is better for having received her care. 

This nomination is evidence of Caritas 
1    Embrace (Loving Kindness)
Practice loving kindness

4    Nurture (Relationship)
Develop helping-trusting relationships