Miranda Weeks
April 2024
Grandview Medical Center
United States




The encouragement she gave me was immense.
I’m a nurse in the NICU at Grandview, and I’ve always worked closely with Mandee on a day-to-day basis. I’ve seen her go above and beyond for all of her patients. I knew she was a good nurse, but recently, I got to witness this on a whole new level. This past week, I had my own baby at Grandview, and my baby boy ended up in the NICU. Being on the other side of things, I got to truly see how phenomenal of a nurse Mandee is. The encouragement she gave me was immense. To have a nurse and fellow co-worker truly love your baby while they are sick and you can’t be there is something I will always be thankful for and I will never forget. She didn’t only go above and beyond for him, but she went above and beyond for me as a parent of a NICU baby. She constantly checked on me and my needs, as well as my son's. She helped me breastfeed, made sure I was eating, and kept my spirits up. Grandview is blessed to have a nurse like Mandee.