Erica Christenson
April 2023
AdventHealth Celebration
United States




She healed all of us from what should have been the saddest, scariest, most helpless time in our families’ lives. Somehow- she single-handedly made it manageable.
How do I put into words what Erica means to our entire family- all 21 of us? We didn’t know it at the time, but my brother would spend his last week on earth in hospice at home after 4 weeks in & out of ICU. He was surrounded by the love & care of so many doctors & nurses, but Erica, in particular, became family member #22 in those few short weeks of time. After being rushed to the ER via ambulance- being found unconscious, we received “that” directive from doctors-“try to get everyone here. He only has about 24 hrs left to live”. We all raced- from Louisiana, Georgia, and parts of Florida & even myself, who had just landed in NY for a 2-day business trip, turning right around & leaving back home. From the moment he was moved into ICU & we were first introduced to Erica- even through her mask- her smile was infectious. My brother- intubated, unconscious, in septic shock, organs shutting down, & his 3 adult children & wife by his side- never let the overwhelming, somber emotion of what filled that room to stop her from having full on conversations with D. With every beep of his pressers, monitor of his heart rate “looking for a combined # over 65”, hearing the air flow in & pressed out of his lungs, Erica narrated to let my brother (& all of us) know how “well he was doing”.

Oftentimes, when the tears would flow, she’d easily divert attention by asking us questions about who we all were, in relation to my brother & asking us to tell us about our family. To Erica, he was a brother-father- husband-uncle-& her new friend. By the end of that first day with Erica- she could call us by name as we’d rotate 2 by 2 (sometimes a few more as he was touch & go) even knowing our family nicknames & watched us quietly & respectfully gather around his bed & pray-while we prayed & asked-almost pleading for a miracle- we had such comfort knowing his final resting place-whenever that was to be, was with the Lord. The next day as we arrived- myself & his wife hadn’t left his side since I arrived back from NY-Erica came in-greeted us by name told D good morning sunshine- fluffed his pillows & offered us much-needed cups of coffee. As the rest of the family began to arrive Erica greeted & hugged each one & I sat back in awe of this beautiful, young, selfless nurse love on my brother & all of us as if our hurt was equal to hers & as if she too was losing a dear friend.

You hear people talk bedside manner “approach & attitude towards a patient” but this descriptor is not sufficient for what we encountered 12 hrs, 3 long days in a row with Erica. It was Christlike manner- a servant heart- putting others first- she certainly displayed the healing ministry of Christ because it was her laugh, gentle touch, care, concern, and fun disposition that healed. She healed all of us from what should have been the saddest, scariest, most helpless time in our families’ lives. Somehow- she single-handedly made it manageable. Imagine our surprise when we arrived at the beginning of day 4 to find that she left us a beautiful handwritten letter telling US how we inspired HER? She told us we renewed her faith & that in such adversity, we never doubted the Lord was at work- she hadn’t found an entire family so accepting of what the Lord was orchestrating & that SHE felt blessed to have witnessed our love for her. Once again, we found tears strolling down our faces. Again- it was Erica. My brother would spend 2 weeks in ICU -precious time we were given as he fought to stay with us- & although we never had Erica again, that didn’t stop her from visiting us every shift she was on- talking to my brother about each little progress or “You have the ICU talking with how good you are doing!” Or her precious “Hi! Are you going to finally say hi to me?” Eventually, his tube was removed, his eyes opened & he did in fact surprise her one day “Hi, Erica”. He moved to G- back to ICU & Erica visited. At his home, surrounded by all 21 and 22 in spirit, he went home.