Nevresa Omerovic
June 2024
Peds Neuroscience Unit (5W)
Wolfson Children's Hospital
United States




Nevresa noticed E was having a significantly difficult day, resulting in over-the-top negative behaviors that would have escalated had Nevresa not stepped in by walking the hallways with E and talking with him through his walkie-talkie.
Practicing service excellence communicates to our customers that we care, and it allows us to make a connection with a patient, family member or guest during a most important point in their lives, when they are seeking health care.  I had the opportunity to watch Nevresa care for one of our 5W ASD patients for approximately 2 months as his primary caregiver. She not only gave excellent clinical care to this patient, but she also exemplified extraordinary service by establishing a personal connection that made a lasting impression on the patient and the family. The following story exemplifies how she connected with this patient on a personal level. It was a typical busy day on 5W. Nevresa had a progressive patient care assignment, including her primary and 2 other very involved total care patients. Her primary, having ASD typically demands a lot of attention, personal interaction, and sometimes redirection. Her primary loved to play games. One game he played frequently with his dad was talking on a walkie-talkie. This game kept him from becoming bored with his environment as his length of stay was quite extensive. He loved it. One day, he wanted Nevresa to play the walkie-talkie game. It is quite possible that the dad had things to do and needed help with distracting is son. Nevertheless, Nevresa rose to the challenge to engage in her primary's world of play. Nevresa spent a big portion of her shift navigating patient care and taking back and forth on the walkie-talkie with her patient. It was not easy, as she had to maneuver the conversations around and away from the other patients she cared for. During my manager rounds, I had the opportunity to witness Nevresa hiding around the corner from her patient's room and talking into the device. I stopped to check on her, worried she took on too much. However, she said no I got this. He is enjoying himself.  Prior to discharge, I had a conversation with the father. He let me know he had many nurses who were his favorite, but Nevresa's caring and compassionate care for his son astonished him. He states she is definitely where she needs to be, in pediatric nursing. 


I am confident when I say there is no one quite like our boy E with his dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism. Fuel his unique personality with an unknown diagnosis that caused his GI system to shut down, requiring surgery and you are headed for the ride of your life. With her special skillset as a nurse, Nevresa didn’t miss a beat when she joined our unexpected 84 days ride with E. He is a little 12-year-old boy who is not your “textbook patient,” and fortunately, Nevresa is not your typical “textbook nurse” either. With the amazing team of nurses on 5 Wolfson, it was Nevresa’s wisdom, experience, and skillset for the art of excellence in nursing with E that set her apart for us. Let’s begin with her actions that were above and beyond the call of her multiple duties, like the day Nevresa noticed E was having a significantly difficult day, resulting in over-the-top negative behaviors that would have escalated had Nevresa not stepped in by walking the hallways with E and talking with him through his walkie-talkie. As Nevresa had to continue with her duties, she continued to carry the remote walkie-talkie with her, continuing to allow E to be entertained. She knew it was still not time to stop “talking” with E and she took it upon herself to continue with the game as she moved throughout the floor. E eventually calmed down and returned to his bed, a very happy boy and was not dismayed when the walkie-talkie game was over. Nevresa has walked many laps around the floor to keep E moving, but also at his request. The relationship between the two is special and simply demonstrates how “beyond textbook nursing” a day in the life of Nevresa has truly made E’s stay more bearable. With a desire to be E’s primary caretaker when on duty, Nevresa’s continuity in care warmed our hearts, as well as E’s. She was genuinely happy to see E constantly walking into his room with a positive attitude and always making sure every need for E and his parents was met. Nevresa never left the room without making sure she understood our needs as well, addressing our concerns and collaborating with us on the best approach for E’s needs regarding his care, his medications, as well as his personal care. Nevresa is beyond the “textbook” nurse and is a true asset to the team at Wolfson.

Nevresa, we are so lucky to have you share your gifts with us at Wolfson! 
You are an inspiration to us all!