Nicole M Wintrode
May 2024
Nicole M
Nursing G20
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
United States




Nicole held my aunt’s hand, coached and soothed her, and did everything physically and emotionally possible to provide comfort and unparalleled care.
My beloved Aunt was gifted an exceptionally kind, compassionate, and caring nurse on the evening of her first-ever treatment. Her body did not accept the chemotherapy well, and a flood of doctors entered her room once the extreme reactions began. In a terrified state and with the worst pain she had ever experienced, Nicole was by my aunt’s side the entire duration of her reactions. Nicole held my aunt’s hand, coached and soothed her, and did everything physically and emotionally possible to provide comfort and unparalleled care. The level of helpfulness and service was above and beyond any previous nurses or the ones to follow. Nicole has a talent, a gift, and an amazing, selfless heart. Nicole could have executed each task of her job within a few minutes, but she carried out the remainder of her shift as a companion and support system, all while making my aunt feel cared for and about. This changed my aunt’s outlook and gave her something that is hard to come by for our family, peace and hope.


We are all so helpless in this situation, watching the suffering and fear of our most loved one. To have someone make my aunt’s life better is truly the greatest gift and we are immensely grateful for Nicole. Nicole gave her something we could not: comfort WITH exceptional quality, professional care. We believe Nicole embodies the DAISY Award and she deserves to be honored and celebrated.