Doug Geraghty
September 2023
Primary Children's Hospital- Intermountain Health
Salt Lake City
United States




For more than a week, he made arrangements every single day so our husband or I could have a room to sleep in the hospital so we could rest because both of us refused to go home.
Our 9-month-old daughter was a healthy & happy baby until one day we picked her up from daycare; she looked pale, lethargic & quite unresponsive. We took her to the ER & after they stabilized her, we were transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. A wonderful team of caregivers quickly attended our daughter, but our hearts are FULL OF GRADITUDE TO TWO NURSES who poured their souls while caring for our daughter. One of the first nurses we were introduced to was Doug for the day shift. Doug was watching our daughter closely every second. Whenever my daughter had to be suctioned or any procedure was done correctly. Doug explained so much information to us & answered EVERY possible question we had, even if it was the same answer & we forgot it. He never got tired of our comments or questions. He worked hard, & always cooperated with his team. He even started non-hospital-related conversations just so we could distract ourselves from the ongoing trauma.

Moreover, besides taking care of our daughter, he took care of us too! For more than a week, he made arrangements every single day so our husband or I could have a room to sleep in the hospital so we could rest because both of us refused to go home. He also reminded us to eat or take some time outside the room so we could see something different. My husband & I truly felt well taken care of & we couldn’t trust any other person than Doug to care for our daughter.

While the nights at the PICU became cold & many times uncertain for our little one, we could not have a better caregiver than Jamie. She was our night shift nurse for all the time while in the PICU. Jamie was always positive & warm to us. At the beginning of the shift & throughout the night, she cared & worked so hard for our daughter. She worked closely with the attendings & doctors to ensure everything was well. She always had a plan for everything & that gave us so much peace of mind. She was confident & very knowledgeable. She explained every procedure at the moment of doing it & told us why it was needed & how it would help our daughter. Jamie cared not only for our daughter but also for us. She encouraged us to do some self-care. She mentioned some hospital services that were helpful, too.

Doug & Jamie became & we considered them family to us. After our daughter was extubated, they were both there & were presented as Uncle Doug & Aunty Jamie. They made us feel at home many times, were compassionate & provided excellent care. We trust them in a heartbeat!! Our family is deeply grateful & moved by these two great nurses. They made a huge difference in our hospital stay & of course during our daughter’s time while at the PICU. They are the nurses who give their everything to help strangers like us. They are changing the world one patient at a time.