Natalie Griffith
March 2024
Labor and Delivery
Grandview Medical Center
United States




She made me truly believe I was able to give life. She coached me, wiped my tears, and held my hand. She taught me to push. She taught me to breathe. And when her shift ended, she stayed. She stayed. SHE STAYED!
Natalie was my nurse for most of my labor with my first child I had in September of 2023. I spent 27 hours in labor and half of that was with Natalie. I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios the week prior and was super scared when I went into labor 3 weeks early. My water broke at home and we immediately went to the hospital. Every nurse I encountered showed amazing support, and everyone was phenomenal! Natalie came in and I knew immediately she was going to get me through. I got my epidural, and everything was going smoothly; however, I started experiencing incredible pain in my lower back. I wasn’t dilating well, and I couldn’t get comfortable. I wanted so badly to have a vaginal birth, as undergoing a c-section terrified me. Natalie not only respected me and my fears, but she talked me through everything and helped me understand my options and gave me peace if we had to end up doing a c-section.

I was incredibly uncomfortable and in immense pain, even with the epidural, and I was confused and scared. Natalie was with me through the entire process. She never gave up turning me and coming up with ways to help me dilate faster and was the first person to say, “I think she’s in a weird position, and that’s why you are in pain . . . I’m with you and we will work together to make this happen safely. You got this!” My husband and I relied on her and trusted her to take care of me and my unborn daughter, and she literally saved us. My daughter was born sunny side up and we both had a hard time. When she checked my dilation for the last time before I had to make some decisions on c-section or not, I had dilated to 9m!! I was able to vaginally deliver her because Natalie never gave up, and she pushed me to move and do the best positions to ease the pain and get things moving. She made me truly believe I was able to give life. She coached me, wiped my tears, and held my hand. She taught me to push. She taught me to breathe. And when her shift ended, she stayed. She stayed. SHE STAYED! No questions asked she told me she wasn’t leaving. We started this together, and we were going to finish it together. I had my daughter safely and was able to have the birth experience I wanted all because she worked tirelessly through the night and early hours to take care of us!

She had never known us before, but she is a cherished member of our lives now. She saved us. She helped me give life! I will forever be indebted to her! She saw us through the most important time of our lives. And she never once made us feel alone. I have no doubt she has done the same thing with countless patients and I imagine she would never ask for recognition but she deserve it!