Teresa Chippendale
April 2024
Trauma Related Services
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
United Kingdom




It was all so alien and hard to accept and deal with, both practically and emotionally, but Teresa was by my side the whole time, making me feel properly supported.
I cannot thank Teresa enough for looking after me from the moment I entered the LGI. She explained everything that was happening to me. She called and emailed me to check if I was okay once I was discharged from the hospital. From then on, there were six weekly visits to the LGI to check on the healing progression of my injury and Teresa was always there to reassure me that everything was going in the right direction, and she listened to me when I got upset, especially when I was told that it would be another six weeks with the frame on.

I want Teresa to be awarded in recognition of her kindness and professionalism, and it would be a fitting thank you for looking after and supporting everyone who has come into contact with her. She is a credit to the LGI, and I don’t think I could have gotten through the eight months of my ‘frame’ life that I endured without her.


Although I was not a patient of Teresa’s, she was there throughout my mum’s journey after having major surgery. Throughout the whole journey, Teresa has been incredible. She has patients at the heart of everything she does, and this shows. She is so compassionate and was there for not only my mum but for myself as well when I had questioned or needed support caring for my mum. Teresa is so knowledgeable and has shared learning with me throughout the course of my mum’s treatment. So much so that I am qualifying as a nursing associate in the imminent future. I have an interest in joining orthopedics because of Teresa’s caring and compassionate nature.


I broke my leg and was completely overwhelmed to find out I needed an Ilizarov frame. Those first days and weeks after it was fitted were incredibly tough. It was all so alien and hard to accept and deal with, both practically and emotionally, but Teresa was by my side the whole time, making me feel properly supported.

I’ve finally healed and had my second frame removed last week after 16 months but it has been an incredibly difficult journey and I honestly don’t know how I would have got through it without Teresa’s support.

I had so many setbacks along the way, including two nonunions, and the emotional effects on me were so hard to handle, but she was always there to listen, encourage, and reassure me. And to mop up my tears. The practical problems of having a frame are extremely challenging, and Teresa was always available to help with every problem, pain, and concern. I felt able to ask her anything and share all my questions and fears. She made me feel that nothing was too trivial or stupid so instead of things building up in my head until they were overwhelming, I was able to share them with her and that made them immediately more manageable.

She made me feel that it was okay to ask for help and to find it hard, but she also made me feel that I was coping well and that I would manage and come through the other side eventually. She validated my experience and never underestimated or tried to trivialize or normalize the effect it was having on me. She had faith in me being able to cope and gave me faith in myself and also in the process when I was struggling. I felt like she really listened to me and helped me to work through every problem and find solutions that worked specifically for me, rather than just being given generic guidance. The first time I had a pin snap was incredibly scary, and I panicked. But I rang her and, just as she had promised me when I first talked to her after my operation, she was quick to respond. She called me back and spent time talking through what had happened in detail, how to cope with it, and what the implications were. She answered questions I hadn’t thought to ask, helped me work through the logistics of getting it sorted, and made me feel so much better. After I had talked to her that day, I felt able to get through the time until I could be seen and get it sorted.

This was the same with every setback I had. She has endless patience and empathy, and despite the fact that I know how many patients she has to care for, she never made me feel I was being a nuisance and always had the time for me that I needed. Indeed, she always made me feel that helping me was the most important thing she had to do and that I was her priority. I never felt rushed by her, or like I could only ask my most crucial questions.

The worst time was when my leg refractured after the first frame was removed. I went to the clinic for what I thought was a routine check-up and was completely devastated to find out it had failed. She handled the whole situation so well. When I got overwhelmed, she discretely took me into a quiet room, let me cry, and listened to my fears and distress with no judgment. She organized for me to have some peer support the same day from another patient who had been in a similar situation, which was exactly what I needed to help me face up to having another frame fitted the very next day.

Getting the good news that it has healed was very difficult to handle for me as after two nonunions I struggled to be able to accept and believe that this time it is healed but she has talked it all through with me several times and given me the confidence to cope with the frame being removed and the fear of refracture as well as practical advice for what to do if I am worried so that I’m not so anxious.

And it’s not just me, of course. I have spoken to lots of fellow frames when I’ve been at outpatient appointments, and they all say the same thing about Teresa.
I feel incredibly lucky to have had Teresa’s support throughout the worst time of my life. I really don’t know if I could have got through it without her and certainly not without getting very depressed.

I know I still have a long way to go with rehabilitation, but knowing she is there for me makes it seem less daunting. A very special lady doing a very difficult job exceptionally well.