Jennifer Thiry
May 2024
Essentia Health - East
United States




Alarms were going off, and even when they weren’t, Jennifer was in our room answering questions and checking on us.
Jennifer was our daughter’s nurse when she arrived via LifeFlight and immediately provided exceptional medical care and compassion and eased the fear of our 13-year-old daughter until we arrived two hours later. Jennifer continued to be with our daughter during her stay in PICU with so much empathy and compassion celebrating every single win, no matter how small.

When my husband and I arrived at the hospital, our daughter was so excited to tell us about her nurse. Our daughter barely had the energy to talk, but wanted to tell us about this nurse who she really likes. Keep in mind that our daughter was so unwell that she didn’t watch TV or barely looked at her phone for five days. None of us have ever experienced being in an insensitive care unit, and it was scary. Alarms were going off, and even when they weren’t, Jennifer was in our room answering questions and checking on us. We felt comfortable and confident in her ability to keep our daughter alive and to reduce any long-lasting trauma. She encouraged our daughter to get up, move to a chair, use the bathroom, and drink fluids, resulting in additional bathroom trips. She ensured our room was as quiet as possible during nighttime hours so she could rest. She was very mindful of volume and doing whatever could be done within the setting to allow rest at night. She thought outside of the box and put a lot of effort into ensuring that no unnecessary interventions were taken. She celebrated every single win, no matter how small. During our time there, she had picked up extra shifts, which we are eternally grateful for. My daughter continues to talk about Jennifer, weeks later. We had the honor to have her as our nurse.