Ashley Fuller
July 2024
Emergency Department
Kettering Health Miamisburg
United States




The foster mother was very happy Ashley reached out as she had not heard from her for three months. I feel as though Ashley saved her life.
We had a young girl come into the ER five times in one month. She would always be brought in by men and dropped off. She never showed an ID or insurance card. We were all suspicious from the first visit. On the second visit, Ashley had to shave this young girl's hair, and it was heartbreaking. Ashley asked the social worker to get involved to make sure some type of abuse was not happening, but she always denied it.

On the third visit, this poor young girl came in on her menstrual cycle, and she did not have any female products. Ashley went and found her two bags of clothes and gave her some female products. Ashley is a night shift charge nurse leader but stopped everything to help her. Again, this girl denied abuse. After this visit, we looked into her more; we were suspicious if she really was who she said she was. The address on file was "homeless." There was no family list and no medical history, so we asked medical records to flag this chart. We needed some form of picture ID. Security was able to speak with her and get a social security number. The number did not come back as a runaway or with any warrants.

On the 4th visit, Ashley had the social worker talk with her again, and she denied abuse. We still do not have a picture ID and do not know who these men are. During her 5th visit, Ashley found a foster mother's phone number while reading through the social worker's notes and called it. She had run away months ago; however, she was 18, and the foster mother could not keep her due to her criminal actions. The foster mother was willing to pick her up and get her a hotel. When she was discharged, we sent her with a lot of community resources. The foster mother was very happy Ashley reached out as she had not heard from her for three months. I feel as though Ashley saved her life.