Chloe Wimpress
May 2024
Baylor University Medical Center
United States




The patient’s wife stated, “If it weren’t for Chloe’s quick thinking, I myself could have become very ill without my medications. I have to thank her for taking care of me too”.
Floating to a different unit for the first time is never easy and can be very unnerving, especially for a novice nurse. Chloe floated to 14R and was assigned a medically complex patient. Though complex, the patient was stable at the beginning of her shift. About halfway through her shift, Chloe identified some significant neurological changes. Chloe performed all the right steps by pressing the staff emergency button, initiating an RRT, and having the patient sent for a head CT. The patient’s condition continued to wax and wane throughout the entirety of her shift, and she spent most of the day in his room to ensure he was safe and stabilized. Chloe continued to advocate for her patient as unexpected changes continued to occur despite no findings on the CT scan. All of this was witnessed by the patient’s wife, who raved to me about the compassionate care Chloe provided all day. The patient’s wife even stated, “She is a wonderful nurse. Florence Nightingale would be proud”. Chloe provided compassionate care not only to this patient but to his wife as well. The patient had been hospitalized in El Paso for two months prior to transferring to BUMC. The patient’s wife expressed concern to Chloe because she had forgotten her own prescriptions at home back in El Paso. The patient’s wife informed me that Chloe suggested the idea of the patient contacting her home pharmacy and the doctor to have her prescriptions transferred here to Baylor pharmacy. The patient stated that while she was walking to the cafeteria, she received a call from Baylor Pharmacy notifying her that her prescriptions were ready. The patient’s wife stated, “If it weren’t for Chloe’s quick thinking, I myself could have become very ill without my medications. I have to thank her for taking care of me too”. Despite Chloe’s eventful shift, a smile never left her face. She handled every situation thrown her way with absolute grace. “Florence Nightingale would be proud” is the ULTIMATE compliment to receive as a nurse.