Victoria Emerson
July 2024
Emergency Department
UNC REX Healthcare
United States




Victoria truly made me realize for the first time that people could be both caring and kind.
I was a patient in the ER at UNC Rex and was brought in by the police under an IVC. I was purposefully made unaware of the IVC by the police officers, so when I was told I’d have to change into paper scrubs during admission, I wasn’t the happiest camper.

Due to the time I was brought in, I was not asked to remove my jewelry right away, so the next day, when Victoria informed me I’d have to remove all personal items, I broke down. Being placed in a hospital against my will, in a hectic environment like the ER, and then being told I couldn’t have small earrings that held sentimental value really did me in. Victoria, however, took the time to explain that it was hospital policy and worked with me to calm down, and she eventually convinced me to remove the jewelry. Even though, in hindsight, it was something small and silly, Victoria recognized the distress I was in and took steps to show compassion and help me through that moment. She also recognized that I wasn’t given any hygiene times and that my hair hadn’t been brushed in days. Victoria took the time to hunt down shampoo, conditioner, and a hairbrush for me, and when I began to get overwhelmed by the task of brushing out my long, tangled hair, she cared enough to offer help. After caring for other patients, she came back to help and even made time to braid my hair in order to prevent it from further tangling. Victoria truly made me realize for the first time that people could be both caring and kind.

Another way Victoria really went above and beyond during my admission was during the IVC process and all that it entailed. Due to the IVC I was automatically placed on the list for a bed at an inpatient facility, however, the ER doctor said I was good to go home mentally but wanted to keep me overnight to ensure my physical health would be ok after starting a new medication. As I wasn’t officially discharged, I was told by another staff member that I would be going to Holly Hill the next morning. This freaked me out for a multitude of reasons. Especially since I was just told I’d be discharged but would now be going to the last place I’d ever want to visit. Victoria again managed to calm me down and personally contacted the doctor and Holly Hill to let them know about the situation and arranged for the doctor to come in early the next morning so I could be discharged before having to be transported to an inpatient car.

Words will never be able to express how grateful I am to have met such an altruistic and wonderful person, and I especially can’t begin to convey how much of a positive impact Victoria has had on my life. It may have been just another day at work, and I might have been just another patient, but she truly made me feel like I mattered through the care and compassion that poured through every interaction I had with her.