Jessica Tomanski
February 2024
Maternity Services
Community Hospital East
United States




Her competency and extreme knowledge was evident which gave us stability during a time full of unknowns.
Jessica was the absolute dream nurse! My first delivery experience a couple years prior included an emergency C-section under anesthesia after laboring to 10 cm. We received top-notch care and it was as good of an experience as possible under the circumstances but we were understandably a bit apprehensive about round two. This time around, my provider shared the risks but supported my decision to attempt a vaginal delivery. I labored at home for a bit before getting to triage. Once it was clear I was going to be admitted, Jessica was assigned to be my nurse. She got me settled, introduced me to the nurse that she was precepting, and quickly had my husband and I at ease. Jessica was kind and encouraging, offered wise suggestions for labor options, and empowered my husband by supporting and even complimenting his labor coaching. Throughout the entire labor, she was calm but straightforward, lighthearted but an expert in knowledge and action. She reassured me when I was anxious, offered me breathing suggestions when she could tell I needed them, and made me feel strong and capable. Her competency and extreme knowledge was evident which gave us stability during a time full of unknowns. Since we knew we could trust her expertise, we looked to her for guidance on decisions throughout the process. When I changed my mind about my “birth plan,” she knew the right questions to ask to clarify whether advocacy for me meant reminding me of my prior plans or switching to a new route. She called the right people from the rest of the care team at the right times and knew how to succinctly describe what was needed in order to get me rapid care. Keep in mind, she was doing all of this while thoroughly educating the nurse that she was precepting! When it was clear that I was going to deliver soon, but after shift change, she chimed in that she was staying and going to do all she could to get me the vaginal birth I wanted. She shared bits of her own birth stories to build rapport. Although I was one of countless moms she has cared for, she made me feel as if she was personally invested in my experience. She shared in our joy when our baby boy arrived and greatly celebrated the successful VBAC she knew I had been hoping for. When the NICU team needed to briefly check our baby shortly after birth, she offered reassurance and even was able to make us laugh, allowing for me to focus on my own post-delivery recovery. Her empathy for her patients and passion for what she does was so clear throughout the entire day. Even though it meant staying hours after her already long shift, she sacrificed her time to make my experience better. There are not enough words to describe all the ways Jessica exemplifies the type of nurse that The DAISY Award honors. She deserves to be recognized as the above-and-beyond advocate, caregiver, and self-sacrificing nurse that she is.