May 2024
Missouri Western State University
St. Joseph
United States




Mackenzie truly cares about her students academically but also personally. She wants all her students to succeed.
Mackenzie Evans was an instructor I had for part of my semester due to her being on maternity leave the rest of the semester. Mackenzie truly cares about her students academically but also personally. She wants all her students to succeed. With OB being a specialty class that is new to us, she does everything in her power to explain things in terms that make sense. Specifically, she used hands-on models to explain certain processes. She takes the time to explain information if you are struggling with it. As a student, I feel like I can go to her for anything. She a professor I trust with help me with anything if she can. The simulations she put on during the semester truly helped me feel confident in what to do in a clinical setting. She helped me grow my knowledge not only for a clinical setting but also if I have kids someday. Mackenzie is someone who, early on in the semester, gave me confidence even if I came to her with questions. She was also willing to even explain something over email even when she was on maternity leave. Her kind heart is something that touched me as a student.