Chalee Whirley
July 2024
Dermatology Procedure Clinic
St. Bernards Medical Center
United States




I am very grateful to Chalee for her quiet confidence and ability to calm me.
At one of St. Bernards's recent health screenings, Dr. N saw a place on my face he wanted to biopsy. This was followed up by a biopsy in his office, then MOHs surgery. Naturally, I was nervous since it was a basal cell carcinoma, and the thought of surgery on my face was terrifying. His surgical nurse, Chalee, was so efficient. She explained everything they would be doing and answered all questions. When I asked additional detailed questions, she patiently took the time to answer them completely. She was reassuring when I was nervous. Her manner was soothing and helped me remain calm. She never made me feel that my questions were insignificant. In fact, she took them all very seriously. She made sure I was comfortable before, during, and after the procedure. She treated me like I mattered and that the outcome of my procedure mattered. There was no rushing around trying to usher me through quickly. I am very grateful to Chalee for her quiet confidence and ability to calm me. She goes over and beyond what is necessary.