Jenny McDonald
July 2024
Choctaw Nation Health Care Center
United States




About an hour after he was born, Jenny called the hospital to check on us. She took her personal time to go out of her way to see if we were doing okay.
Jenny was spot on from the moment I walked through the doors of the unit. Before I made it to the front desk, she was up, confirming my name and meeting me to walk me to a room. Once we were in the room, she asked how I was doing. Unfortunately, one of my children had a seizure on our drive to the hospital for the delivery of our son. My husband was in the parking lot with our other two children, letting our daughter rest following her seizure earlier that morning. Jenny listened intently from the room. To my delight and surprise, Jenny came back with some guidance on the next steps for our daughter, who had just had a seizure.

Jenny went out of her way to track down the pediatrician to explain what had happened and to inquire about the next steps. Jenny provided me with this info and guidance. She coordinated with the ER to get my daughter admitted with ease. During her visit to the ER, my daughter asked for a woman to assist with catching a urine sample. Jenny not only offered to take my husband's phone to the ER from OB, but she also offered to assist my daughter however she could.

While I was stuck alone in OB, preparing to deliver my son, Jenny spent quality time with me while also helping calm my nerves and comfort me. As my daughter had a seizure on the side of the road, my labor completely stalled; no contractions and no progress. Once my daughter was released from the ER and my husband and I had time to catch up, I was administered medication to progress my labor along. Jenny explained every step in a way that was easy to understand. She ensured we had a chance to ask questions. Jenny was hands-on during my labor, ensuring I was comfortable and showing us ways to help labor along with ways to provide natural pain management. Throughout the entire experience, Jenny was positive and spoke with kindness.

Despite the medication, my labor had not progressed far enough for delivery. Jenny stretched her time, trying to ensure she was there during delivery. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to delivery before she clocked out. My son was born later that night after Jenny's shift ended. About an hour after he was born, Jenny called the hospital to check on us. She took her personal time to go out of her way to see if we were doing okay. Hands down, Jenny expressed Chahta spirit. She is an amazing nurse and person of quality. Jenny is an awesome caregiver and knowledgeable nurse. The Choctaw Nation should be proud to have her on staff. Jenny turned what could have been a disaster of an experience to one of comfort and reassurance. My family can look back on this day with joy, knowing that our daughter having a seizure on her brother's birthday turned out far better than it could have due to Jenny's kindness, thoughtfulness, and professionalism.