Amanda Dassler
February 2024
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin - Fox Valley
United States




Her unwavering support and compassionate care transformed what could have been a nightmare into a series of cherrished memories, making an unbearable situation bearable.
It’s been over a year and a half since our paths crossed with Amanda, but her impact on our lives remains indelible. The morning our baby entered the world was supposed to be filled with joy, but it quickly turned into the most frightening moment of our lives. Our little one was struggling, and in an instant, our carefully laid plans were shattered as our baby was whisked away to another hospital, separating us from the precious moments we had longed for. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, Amanda emerged as a beacon of light. Despite the whirlwind of emotions, she remained steadfast in her commitment to helping us find solace amidst the turmoil. Her unwavering support and compassionate care transformed what could have been a nightmare into a series of cherrished memories, making an unbearable situation bearable. I’ll never forget the day my wife, exhaused and anxious, was finally reunited with our baby. Despite her initial apprehension, Amanda’s warmth and kindness melted away any lingering tension. She understood the significance of that moment – the first time a mother holds her child – and went above and beyond to ensure it was nothing short of magical. Even when my wife’s emotions ran high and she wasn’t the kindest person, Amanda remained a pillar of strength, offering comfort and reassurance every step of the way. Whether it was securing necessary support from the OB team or simply lending a compassionate ear, her dedication knew no bounds. One particular instance stands out vividly in our minds. Amanda, recognizing my wife’s need for comfort and support after her fresh C-section, took it upon herself to work with nurses from the OB department. She procured a support wrap specifically tailored to aid in my wife’s recovery and patiently taught us how to use it effectively. Furthermore, Amanda advocated for a follow-up visit with a doctor to ensure my wife’s well-being, ultimately leading to the discovery of a complication from her surgery. Thanks to Amanda’s vigilance and care, my wife received timely medical attention, averting potential complications. Thanks to Amanda’s exceptional care and guidance, our daughter's stay while I’m sure was shorter than many, was made memorable. Her extraordinary commitment to her patients is a testament to her character and her invaluable contribution to the nursing profession. As we embark on this new chapter with our second baby, Amanda’s kindness continues to resonate with us. We are forever grateful for her compassion, expertise, and unwavering support. She is truly a remarkable nurse deserving of this award.

This is Amanda's 2nd DAISY Award!