June 2018
University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing
United States




Dr. Winters has quite possibly been one of the most influential instructors in the pursuit of my DNP degree.
Dr. Karen Winters is an amazing faculty member at the School of Nursing! Dr. Winters is dedicated to carrying out the core values of the school of nursing! Dr. Winters shows respect for each student she comes in contact with. She demonstrates excellence in her lectures and course development. Dr. Winters is accountable to her students and fellow faculty. Dr. Winters brings diversity to the School of Nursing through her background as a PhD prepared research Nurse and her involvement in the DNP program. Dr. Winters demonstrates integrity through her adherence to the professional standards of nursing. Dr. Winters is a wonderful professor, and I truly value the knowledge and experience she brings to the BSN, MSN, PhD, and DNP programs. Dr. Winters provides students with the opportunity to learn through a variety of activities and is helpful in clarifying complex principles. Dr. Winters is approachable and is always willing to stay after class to discuss the lecture. Dr. Winters is a great mentor to students across the nursing education landscape.
Dr. Winters has quite possibly been one of the most influential instructors in the pursuit of my DNP degree. She goes above and beyond what is asked of her, marking herself readily available for her students. It is very obvious that she has a genuine interest in academia and helping her students pursue their goals. She is one of the most knowledgeable people I have known and is very humble. This makes her approachable and easy to ask questions and learn from. She has always treated her students, including me, with consideration and thoughtfulness. She has followed up on every email I have sent her and every appointment I have made with her, even on her days off. She has truly exceeded what I expect of any instructor, and I will forever be grateful for how she has shaped my time in the program.