Angela Wiggins
August 2024
University of Maryland Capital Region Health
United States




She has a way of explaining everything that is going on with our son in such a straightforward and very caring way.
For over 30 days, my son has been in the NICU. Born at 25 weeks, he is considered a micro-preemie. Our first few weeks of visiting my son daily were filled with lots of emotions, questions, and uncertainties. The amazing NICU Nurses here have been thoughtful, answering our questions and being as accommodating as possible. While my husband and I value the numerous Nurses on the team - there is one Nurse who truly brings us joy whenever we see and interact with her, and that is Angela Wiggins. She has a way of explaining everything that is going on with our son in such a straightforward and very caring way. When she is in the room, we can tell she really cares for our son and us. It almost feels like family, which is so welcomed in a place as stressful as the NICU. She embodies the nursing motto of healing through compassion and knowledge. If I did not know, I would think that motto was created after seeing her work with babies and their families. Our son has more growing to do before we can take him home, but having a Nurse like Angela on our side who cares for our son as well as caring about the emotional and mental health of my husband and me. I know we are in great hands to get through this roller coaster of the NICU.