Lisa Wells
March 2024
Emergency Dept
Inova Loudoun Hospital
United States




She took him by the hand and offered comfort and reassurance.
We had a full trauma activation for a patient who used a gun and had attempted suicide.
As all the team members sprang into action, they attempted to control the bleeding, establish an airway, and stabilize the patient. I was busy attempting to obtain additional IV access and I noticed out of the corner of my eye this amazing nurse walk quietly to the bedside. She slipped seamlessly between the trauma team members, reached out, took the patient's hand, and squeezed it. He squeezed her hand back.
During all the trauma chaos, Lisa Wells recognized that this man was awake, alert, and scared. She took him by the hand and offered comfort and reassurance.
Everyone in the room had their roles and tasks for the trauma activation. This nurse saw past all the TNCC/ACLS protocols and saw the patient’s pain and terror, and her only goal was to provide the patient comfort and to let him know that someone was there with him.
Thank you, Lisa Wells, for the exceptional care you provided to this patient.