Andrew Moore
December 2023
Enrolled Nurse
Acute Rehabilitation Unit
Tasmanian Health Service




Andrew stayed calm and collected, managed the patient clinically, and, throughout all of this, provided support to the patient's wife, who was present during this very confronting and scary episode.
Andrew is an absolute pillar on ARU- of passion for rehabilitation, clinical care of patients, and of humour and staff morale! Andrew has worked tirelessly through the toughest times on ARU and has done so not only with a smile but also by putting a smile on others' faces. Andrew is a leader on ARU and is dedicated to providing the highest quality care with the utmost compassion. Andrew has been thrown into many clinically challenging situations over the past few months and has managed to provide incredibly high-quality care to rapidly deteriorating patients in a facility that is not equipped for clinically unwell patients and has done so as a lead nurse as an EN.

Recently, Andrew took the lead on a complex spinal patient who had a clinical event on the ward; the patient fell unconscious and was barely breathing. Andrew stayed calm and collected, managed the patient clinically, contacted a doctor to come into the ward, facilitated the transfer of the patient to the emergency room, and, throughout all of this, provided support to the patient's wife, who was present during this very confronting and scary episode.

Andrew is tough on himself and doesn't appreciate the incredible positive impact he has had on his patients and on the staff. I want to nominate Andrew for a DAISY award to acknowledge his skills- clinical and interpersonal, and his value as an integral part of the ARU team.