Amy Selby
April 2024
Virginia Hospital Center
United States




Amy treated my husband and me with compassion and care on one of our darkest days. She gave us hope when we needed it the most.
“I was admitted to the hospital for severe pre-eclampsia, put on a magnesium drip, labored (unsuccessfully) for 48 hours, and ended up with an emergency C-section due to my baby's vitals dropping dramatically. He was born at 35 and 6 days and ended up in the NICU. Due to the magnesium drip, I was unable to see him for the first 36 or so hours of his life. After a very traumatic birth experience, a harrowing experience on the mag drip, and pain from the C-section, I just wanted to see my baby. I was inconsolable for days. When I was finally able to my son, I was a wreck. Running on days of no sleep, in pain, and in tears.

When we arrived at the NICU, we were told that my son's bilirubin had doubled and that he was positive for MRSA colonies. As a first-time parent, I was terrified. That's when I met my son's nurse for the day - Amy Selby. I cannot tell you the impact that Amy had on me and my husband that day. She saw the fear in our eyes and treated us with kindness, compassion, and the best care we've ever received. She calmly explained everything to us and reassured us that things were okay. She looked at my face and said, "You got this, momma." I immediately burst into tears, and she comforted me. She then sent me back upstairs to my room to rest and hydrate. She promised me my kiddo was in good hands and that we'd work on lactation things together (which, we did). In short, Amy treated my husband and me with compassion and care on one of our darkest days. She gave us hope when we needed it the most. We called her our angel because it felt like she saved us on that day. Before I was discharged, Amy came by to check in on me and gave me the biggest hug. I will forever be thankful for the kindness, care, and compassion she has shown to two new parents and their NICU baby. Thank you, Amy!”