Charlene Boudreaux
September 2024
Intensive Care Unit
Ochsner University Hospital and Clinics
United States




Charlene continuously puts her patient's care first, strongly advocates for them, and is the ICU nurse that we all strive to be.
Charlene can often be considered the heart of our ICU at Ochsner University and Clinics. During her 33 years here, she has selflessly served her community and given her all to her patients. Our ICU team members look up to her and look to her for guidance and advice, and she sets the standard of care in our unit.

Many patients and families have spoken very highly of her, but one specific recent situation comes to mind. This patient was very ill, and her family was very scared. Charlene was at her bedside, consistently advocating for her and caring for all her needs. At this time, we thought the patient might not make it, but her hope never wavered. She cared for this patient for multiple days and continued to advocate for her.

When I rounded on this patient’s mom, she spoke so highly of Charlene and said that she could rest easy at night knowing that Charlene was there. Weeks later, she had this patient again and was able to extubate her. She never wavered in how she advocated and saw this patient’s care through completely. Knowing weeks went by, Charlene quickly calmed her by empathetically telling her what happened, ensuring that she was safe now, and cleaning her face, comforting her. The patient relaxed and looked completely relieved. I was able to talk with the patient after everything, and she said that she felt safe with Charlene. She was thankful that she was able to begin and complete the toughest part of her ICU journey with Charlene as her nurse. Charlene continuously puts her patient's care first, strongly advocates for them, and is the ICU nurse that we all strive to be. She is a role model, always willing to help, a resource to all, and never fails to put her patients first.