Mary Newton
October 2024
Baptist Medical Center Clay
Fleming Island
United States




Kathy did everything with a mother's touch, but the blanket will always be a reminder to show compassion to those whom most people assume have it all together because it's very likely they need that comfort dearly.
I'm a teacher and work hard. State tests are around the corner, and we needed to have the baby early because my wife had cholestasis. I forgot to let my tutoring kids know I would be in the hospital and have been sleeping horribly. After M's birth, I was at every turn to support my wife in any way I could, but at one point, my eyes got droopy, and I sat on a chair in the room. Due to sheer exhaustion, I closed my eyes. I felt cold, so I put my arms around my chest and tried to rest for just a second. A warm blanket greeted me, and then a second one. I barely opened my eyes to see Kathy smile and say, "Even Dads need comfort sometimes."� I felt the warmth of the blanket move through my core. I wanted to hug her and shed a tear or two. Things have been so hard. I have been holding up a grade level, a household, and my wife, but for that moment, I could enjoy unexpected comfort.

Of course, Kathy did everything with a mother's touch, but the blanket will always be a reminder to show compassion to those whom most people assume have it all together� because it's very likely they need that comfort dearly. I'm writing this from my phone after being up for a long time so please don't be too harsh on my use of tenses and punctuation, I teach math after all.