Andrea Grubb
May 2024
Surgical Services
Sanford Health Bismarck
United Kingdom




She LOOKED at him. She saw pain and sleep deprivation. She pulled up a stool and asked about his symptoms. She LISTENED, really LISTENED. She was the first in a month.
My brother-in-law, R, was scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy on this date. My husband (my BIL's twin) took him to this appointment as they had waited a very long time to get this appointment, and R's wife was at the funeral and burying her father.

R had not felt well for over a month. Appointments to doctors had only resulted in ordered tests and no answers or relief. Upon arrival, he had not slept a full night for over three weeks; he had lost his appetite and consequently weight. He had shooting pain nightly in his legs and hips. He had a horrible rash on his legs that was moving upward and had just reached his belly. He described this as his skin crawling. He was spiking nightly fevers, landing him at ER a couple of times when it was over 103.8. 

In walks Andrea. She asks how he is, and he replies with not too good. She looks at him. This is important. She LOOKED at him. She saw pain and sleep deprivation. She pulled up a stool and asked about his symptoms. She LISTENED, really LISTENED. She was the first in a month. She said she would be right back, and the twins hoped it was true that someone was going to help. She came back and said she had talked to the doctor requesting this test, and he still wanted it, but she ordered some labs first. They took blood, and R was low on platelets. An IV was started and hung. Andrea talked to more doctors, three total that she told them of, and stated they were going to do the biopsy and then admit R to the hospital. There were no rooms, though, at this time. Eventually, the biopsy was completed, and she brought food. She had to go as they were closing up for the day, and her shift was done. She handed R off to another nurse who eventually took him to ER where he remained until there was a room later that evening.

Throughout that first week, my husband stated many times how he felt Andrea had saved R's life. She looked, listened and CARED. She took the time. Over three weeks later, R remains in the hospital. He was eventually diagnosed with three viral infections, and they are under control. He also has lymphoma and has had his first chemotreatment. He continues with a horribly low immune system and is in semi-isolation. Obviously a very ill man that needed someone to look at him and listen to him and that angel was Andrea.