Devin Duchesneau
October 2024
Holy Cross Davis
United States




He made sure to talk to her during the bath and wound care, letting her know everything he was doing and making sure she was ok. The patient was very thankful to him and his caring manner.
Devin consistently goes above and beyond. He often stays late to help clean up patients, transfer patients, or place a line on a patient. He does it all with a smile on his face. One example is when he stayed 2 hours late to place a PICC line on my patient to make it easier on me and also my patient. He has done this many, many times.


Devin came in on his day off on a Saturday to help complete dialysis treatments on a busy dialysis day.


Devin is a great example of caring. He is always doing things to make sure that the patients and his team are cared for and can be successful. In the last week alone, he has stayed late due to staffing shortages on the next shift to ensure that the patients are cared for. He stayed late again when another staff member needed to leave to catch her child's football game. He is very active in making sure that his patients get the care they need and deserve. He had a patient that some may have felt was needy or whiny. But I went in to help him do a bath and wound care. He talked to the patient very kindly and worked hard to ensure that everything was set up prior to the bath and wound care so that the patient would have the least amount of time feeling uncomfortable. He made sure to talk to her during the bath and wound care, letting her know everything he was doing and making sure she was ok. The patient was very thankful to him and his caring manner. In over twenty years as a nurse, I have seen only a few nurses who exemplify true caring in all of their actions. Devin is one of them, and I am thankful to be on his team.