Joanna Reynolds
July 2024
Post Partum
The Valley Hospital
United States




I truly feel that Joanna has exemplified the meaning of being a nurse with both compassion and empathy.
I never expected to have to face the possibility of losing my newborn baby boy. Thanks to the amazing nurses and doctors who acted quickly, I got to leave the hospital with my son alive and well. I was a scheduled C-Section; however, due to the baby’s position, the doctors had a difficult time getting him out. My son was without oxygen for 4 minutes. When they finally got him out, he was blue and lifeless. His Apgar was 1, 3, and 8. I watched, unable to do anything, paralyzed from the ribs down from spinal anesthesia as they performed chest compressions on my son.

My nurse Joanna was in the OR, and I know she had a major role in resuscitating my baby. The code was called quickly and the staff that showed up worked quickly to intubate my baby. I wish I knew everyone’s name so I could thank them individually. After my son was successfully resuscitated, Joanna made sure I was ok. She updated me on the status of my baby in the NICU immediately following. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but my husband and I were so scared, and just having that little confirmation that our child was ok was one of the biggest reliefs of my life.

I was lucky enough to have Joanna as my nurse in mother-baby for 2 shifts. She was responsive and made sure all my needs were met. She even checked on my son in the NICU. There are good nurses, and then there are great nurses. I truly feel that Joanna has exemplified the meaning of being a nurse with both compassion and empathy. Thank you all for everything you do. If it wasn’t for the wonderful nurses, I don’t know if my son would be alive today.