Polly Haley
June 2024
Texas Children's Hospital
United States




After each of the 10+ unsuccessful IVF rounds, Nurse Polly shepherded our broken and battered souls through the very difficult process of deciding if we wanted to continue with IVF and try again.  She understood that we were tired, scared, and in need of hope.
Nurse Polly has watched over us for the past 8 years, 10+ rounds of IVF and this past April, we started our family after trying for over 10 years!  This would not have been possible without the superhuman work of Nurse Polly.  Because of Nurse Polly’s extraordinary care and compassion, we did not give up, we never lost hope, and we kept on trying.  Even after taking a brief break to heal our battered souls, we came back to the Family Fertility Center because of Nurse Polly.  I attribute Polly's dedication to her patients because of her passion for helping patients like us start a family. 

Given my complicated medical history and a traumatic miscarriage of twins in 2015, my husband and I have had a lot of peaks and valleys.  Nurse Polly and her clinical skills have been there with us every step of the journey.  I have had over twenty procedures relating to IVF including: retrievals, transfers, polypectomies, a procedure to remove pelvic adhesions, five hysteroscopies, sonohysterogram, hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and an endometrial scratching procedure.  It is important to me to list all of my various procedures, because they highlight the struggle and emotional rollercoaster my husband and I have endured over the past eight years.  All of these procedures were conducted under the close care of Nurse Polly and which she assessed, diagnosed, planned, scheduled, managed, communicated and evaluated.

Nurse Polly always made herself available to us, by phone, text, email, MyChart messages, and messages through the FFC Portal when we had questions or concerns regarding my traumatic medical history, which further complicated IVF. Especially when we were at our wits ends, Polly took the time to first compassionately listen and listen some more and listen even more to our fears, and only then would she communicate, inform, and educate us as patients to assuage our concerns. 
After each of the 10+ unsuccessful IVF rounds, Nurse Polly shepherded our broken and battered souls through the very difficult process of deciding if we wanted to continue with IVF and try again.  She understood that we were tired, scared, and in need of hope. In those instances, it is often easy for providers to miss the cue and treat patients like a case file. What we encountered from Nurse Polly was compassion and support, doing her best to answer our numerous questions and delicately steering us in the right direction towards information to assuage our concerns.  
Having unexplained infertility has been an extremely heavy weight to carry, and Polly was always there to provide support and care to the highest professional standard.  She made us feel assured - meaning she has earned our trust, and through our interactions with Polly, we trusted TCH Family Fertility Center. 

In conclusion, for all of the reasons listed above and many more reasons not listed, Nurse Polly is a true DAISY Nurse.  I could not feel more passionately about recognizing Polly Haley, RN for the difference she has made in my life.  Without her care, compassion and clinical skills we would not have been able to navigate through the emotional rollercoaster of IVF for the past eight years. 

Polly is an integral part of our family's fertility success story and we can genuinely say we love her - for who she is, for what she has done for our family and the impact she has made on our family and the future of our family. 

Nurse Polly exemplifies what it means to provide expert care with compassion and is truly dedicated to making a difference in the lives of her patients.