Kristin Foley
July 2024
Bloomberg 10 North
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
United States




We spent hours upon hours in this patient’s room, desperately trying to make him comfortable and keep the tension low. Kristin stayed calm the whole time – even when family members were yelling, doctors were unable to help, and through all the screaming and wailing that occurred all night.
Kristin is the definition of a team player. She is a very experienced nurse in both adults and pediatrics. She often runs charge on our floor and precepts. 

Last night, she was a superhuman nurse. 

We had a very sick patient who was struggling with pain and enteral tube management. At one point, this patient was rolling around on the floor because the pain was so bad. Kristin was in charge, and I was the bedside nurse. 

It was right at shift change when a pain episode started. I had just finished getting report and wasn’t even able to see my other patients. I jumped into action, trying to help this kiddo. Kristin was so incredibly helpful to me, messaging the doctors, talking with the family, and explaining everything to them while I did it – so calmly, as they were hysterical. But that is just the start. 

She stayed in my patient’s room, manipulated his tube a little, sat and patiently push/pulled to remove drainage gently as to not cause more pain. She brought comfort items and snacks to the patient’s mother who was very distressed. She aided me in giving around the clock and prn meds in between her own duties as charge nurse. She sat with my patient while they were screaming and thrashing so I could tend to my other patients' needs. 

She did all of this while doctors were rounding, she was aiding other nurses, and also being our CCSR answering call bells and phones, since we didn’t have one. 

We spent hours upon hours in this patient’s room, desperately trying to make him comfortable and keep the tension low. Kristin stayed calm the whole time – even when family members were yelling, doctors were unable to help, and through all the screaming and wailing that occurred all night. I could not have made it through this shift without her. 

But the best thing about Kristin is she is like this every shift. Calm, cool, collected and always, ALWAYS willing to help. Whether she is in charge or not, she will go above and beyond for her coworkers and her patients alike. 

I aspire to be Kristin when I grow up. I am years behind her with experience and I learn so much from her compassion, patience and determination.

She is deserving of this award 100 times over, although I know she would never admit to it. 

I am proud to say that I work with her and admire her very much as a colleague.