Natasha Gallagher
October 2024
Gynae Ward
Letterkenny University Hospital
Co. Donegal




When she came back, I had so many questions and was so emotional. Natasha sat down with me and my husband and answered all of our questions with sympathy and empathy.
I met Natasha on one of the hardest days of my life. I was nine weeks pregnant, and I developed abdominal pain and started bleeding. I saw the obs/gynae consultant on the ward and while being scanned the doctor informed me she could not find a heartbeat and that I had had a miscarriage. My world had totally crumbled at that moment. I had to stay in hospital as I had an incomplete miscarriage and needed further treatment. The Consultant went through everything with me, but to be honest, I was numb with shock, and I wasn't able to take anything in.

Luckily, Natasha was in the room while I was being scanned and realised I was in a daze. She took me to my room and gave me and my husband some time to take it all in. When she came back, I had so many questions and was so emotional. Natasha sat down with me and my husband and answered all of our questions with sympathy and empathy. She went through all the options opened to me regarding further treatment. She probably thought she was on a quiz show with all the questions I was asking her. However, it was not a problem for her. Her knowledge shone through, and she explained everything in detail to us. She also called the doctor back for us after giving us some time to come to a decision on the next steps.

The following day was no different. Natasha supported me through another difficult day and was even able to put a smile on my face for a brief second. Before she left that evening, Natasha called me on her way home and wished me luck for my procedure and was still able to reassure me out of her uniform. Natasha went out of her way to help my husband and me on the darkest days of our lives, and we will never forget that. She was an advocate for me when I didn't have the words to speak in my shock and grief. I'm so grateful for the kindness, care, and compassion she provided to me and my husband, and she is a credit to the gynae ward and LUH.