Jessica Halter
May 2024
3 South Med Surg
UTMB League City Campus
League City
United States




This was a young 42-year-old woman with no medical history, and I know that Jessica’s critical thinking and quick actions helped save this woman’s life and hopefully produce a good outcome.
Jessica was discharging a patient today from the 4th floor and was transporting the patient down to the hospital lobby. While doing so, Jessica noticed a truck pull up to the hospital entrance, and the driver was yelling for help. Jessica excused herself from her discharging patient and went to the truck to assess the situation. Jessica found a woman in the front passenger seat unresponsive and pulseless. Jessica immediately stepped in, reclined the seat all the way back, straddled the passenger, and began CPR Compressions in the car while the front desk staff were alerting ER staff for assistance.

The ER staff responded to the hospital entrance with a stretcher, took over compressions, and transported back to ED, where ROSC was achieved! This was a young 42-year-old woman with no medical history, and I know that Jessica’s critical thinking and quick actions helped save this woman’s life and hopefully produce a good outcome. Thank you to Jessica for truly saving a life! There was zero warning of what was going on, but she didn't hesitate to do what was best for the patient. Jessica is a rock star of a nurse, and she is a highly valuable part of the UTMB League City family. Jessica’s commitment to her patients and to all patients at LCC makes her an asset to LCC.