Laci Bernal
September 2024
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Corpus Christi
United States




She takes good care of me and places me in the best positions that soothe me the best.
“Mi bebé M nació con Síndrome de Treacher Collins y desde entonces está en el hospital porque no puede respirar por sí solo. Desde el primer día hemos tenido muy buenas enfermeras. Pero ya llevamos casi 2 semanas con Laci, quien en todo momento ha sido muy cariñosa y paciente con M. Notamos cómo se esfuerza por conocer las necesidades de M, lo que le gusta y lo que no, y por calmarlo con tanto cariño. También veo que se asegura de explicar muy bien a las enfermeras de noche cómo tratar a M o algunos consejos sobre él cuando se va. Nosotros como padres estamos muy felices de que nuestro bebé; Ha contado con una enfermera como Laci, que además es muy atenta y amable con nosotros y nos explica con todo lujo de detalles cualquier duda que tengamos. Gracias por todo Laci <3”

English Translation:
“My baby Marcelo was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome and since then he has been in the hospital because he has not been able to breathe on his own. From the first day, we have had very good nurses. But we have now been with Laci for almost 2 weeks, who at all times has been very loving and patient with Marcelo. We notice how she makes an effort to know Marcelo's needs, what he likes and what he doesn't like, and to calm him down with so much affection. I also see that she makes sure to explain very well to the night nurses how to treat Marcelo or some tips about him when she leaves. We as parents are very happy that our baby; He has had a nurse like Laci, who is also very attentive and kind to us and explains in great detail any questions we have. 

"I was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, and because of this, I have been in NICU care since I was born. I had trouble breathing on my own and required a breathing tube to help me. I have had a number of RNs take care of me and have done a great job. These past couple of days, I was recently extubated and trying to breathe on my own.  Although I am still struggling to catch my own breath, Laci has helped me get through my events. She takes good care of me and places me in the best positions that soothe me the best. I know I have a bad temper; I take that from my mom's side :) and she always found a way. PS. Dad Wrote This!”