Jessica Pareja
September 2024
Abrazo Central Campus
United States




Jessica, thank you for the consistent, incredible, and meaningful difference you make to your patients every day!
Jessica was nominated by a patient who stated that Jessica was always very nice, respectful, knowledgeable, and exceptionally responsive to her needs. The patient went on to say that Jessica “was also a wonderful advocate for me and made sure to keep in close contact with the doctors and report back to me and explain anything I needed more details on. I was in the hospital for two weeks, and every day she took care of me, I felt very safe and well cared for. She was also very nice to my visitors and never interrupted us or made them feel unwelcome. My family got to know and like her very much.”

The patient concluded her nomination by saying that Jessica “never acted like anything was beneath her, even menial jobs. She is an asset to the hospital, and the hospital should consider itself lucky to have such a wonderful employee and extraordinary nurse!”

Jessica, thank you for the consistent, incredible, and meaningful difference you make to your patients every day!