3T Team at South Georgia Medical Centers
May 2024
3T Team
at South Georgia Medical Centers
Cardiac Intensive Care
SGMC Health
United States
Tyler Hunter, RN
Tristan (Woody) Cone, RN
Jamiya Miles, RN
Alayna Patera, RN
Maddie Warriner, RN
Chad Hodges, RN
Jeremy Weldon, RN
Jason Boyette, RN




My wife of 53 years recently passed away while in SGMC. She was admitted for emergency surgery to 5T but later transferred to 3T ICU when she became critically ill. I am writing to tell you that the nursing care she received was truly the best everywhere, however, the care she received from the ICU nursing staff was, in my opinion, the most caring, empathetic and skilled, competent care I have ever seen in my almost 50 years of practicing medicine. From the time she arrived in the ICU, the nurses recognized that she was in severe distress and went into immediate action to try to stabilize her. There were issues with the medical backup that I will not go into, however, the nurses did NOT let that stop them from advocating for my wife and what they felt she needed. I truly believe that if it had not been for their care and expertise, she would not probably have survived the night! The 4 RNs that night (I refer to them as my ICU “studs”) were Tristan (Woody), Chad, Jeremy, and Jason. After multiple medical issues, she eventually passed. Prior to that, however, the ICU staff were beyond amazing in fighting for her and providing the most compassionate care my family and I could have ever expected. There were so many involved that I hesitate to name names, however, Tyler, Alayna, Jamiyah, and Maddie, deserve special notice. Above and beyond the care, empathy, and compassion they all provided, one nurse stands out from any RN I’ve ever seen of worked with, and that is Tyler Hunter. He took my wife under his direct care and made sure she was not only treated well, but when the time came to let her go, his care became the most compassionate and empathetic care any human could provide another human. You cannot buy or pay for that type of care as it came from his heart!! My daughter came in one afternoon after I had left to go home and shower etc., and Tyler was sitting on the couch in the room. She asked him why he was there, and he simply said that he didn’t want her to be alone!!! That cannot be taught. That is a sign of a person’s true character and being. I have no idea what “awards” the hospital has, but this young man deserves them all! My family and I will forever be thankful that Tyler was there for our loved one. SGMC should be proud to have him, as well as, all the 3T ICU nurses and staff to represent our hospital. They are THE BEST!! Thank you.