Aaron Abella
December 2021
Medical FA3
Seattle Children's Hospital
United States
Aaron is kind and compassionate, happy to jump in to answer a question or help with a task, and has a great attitude.
We have welcomed dozens of new team members this year and Aaron has been so welcoming and helpful to them all. He is kind and compassionate, happy to jump in to answer a question or help with a task, and has a great attitude. When rounding with our new staff his name came up over and over and over as someone who has been especially helpful. Aaron can often be found showing peers a resource, helping complete patient cares, jumping in to hang a med or grab a supply, and brings great energy to our unit. We are so lucky to have him on Medical. Thank you for all your hard work each and every shift, your flexibility during challenging times, your positive attitude, and your willingness to jump in and support your peers. We love and appreciate you, Aaron!