Adam Wilson
August 2023
Emergency Department
UAB Hospital
United States




The patient was then asked if she had the ability to call 911, Adam said he would call for her.
Adam Wilson received a call from the Call Center Operator regarding a patient being suicidal. The patient admitted to having a gun and was going to kill everyone in her household, including her two children and two cousins. Adam asked for her address and recorded it. The patient was then asked if she had the ability to call 911, Adam said he would call for her. He also asked who was in the house and if there were weapons, to which the answer was, yes.

Adam recommended walking away from everyone else and distancing while they were on the phone. The patient was tearful. Adam initiated the help of T. Tgot on the phone and initiated a conversation with the caller, while Adam was on the phone with 911 giving information about the household. T asked for the children's names, ages, and medical history. She kept the patient occupied during this time and the patient started crying and begging for help. T reassured her help was on the way. T began praying as the patient stated she had a gun to her head. T remained calm and continued reassuring her. T pulled up scripture and carried on an unbiased conversation with the caller.

The location was reconfirmed with the patient calling another family member to ask for the address. The patient was kept on the phone for 20 minutes or more until emergency services arrived. The police arrived and spoke with T, and she discussed transporting to the facility where she was admitted for ED emergent psychiatric evaluation.