Adriana Delgado
May 2023
Ascension Seton Hays
United States




Adriana is always willing to step in when she sees a need.
Adriana is the queen of calm and deserves a crown! She is an exceptional person and an extraordinary nurse. From the first time I met her when my husband was so sick and not expected to live, she, in her calm spirit and compassion, led me through a very scary time. She was the light in the darkness and the friend that I needed to explain what was going on medically.

I am an advocate for my husband and she encouraged me to call a team meeting when I felt like I was not being heard. She was there for us when I felt so alone. She has continued to be a friend over the last year with several stays at Ascension Seton Hays ICU. The calm in the storm. Her knowledge is vast and she is a team player with others she is working with. She is always willing to step in when she sees a need.

Even today, she stepped in to get an IV started on my husband. It is always a pleasure to see her and her positive and caring demeanor. She floats around the ICU on a cloud of positivity that is infectious. It is her passion and love for her patients and it shows. We LOVE her.