Adwoa Lynn
November 2020
Medical A
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center




Adwoa is not only a competent and skilled RN, she has compassion and empathy.
J was admitted from the emergency department for palliative care. He was in extreme pain related to end-stage renal failure. Since he had an Advanced Directive, the plan was to control his pain and he would be discharged home with Hospice Care.
The RN assigned to him that day was Adwoa. As she helped transfer J from the ED gurney to his bed, J looked up at her smiled, and said, "I know you". Of course, he did not. Even though he could not see her full face because she was wearing a mask, he saw her smiling eyes and felt her warmth and caring manner. He would always look up at Adwoa and smile broadly whenever she would tend to his needs.
Throughout the day, Adwoa made sure that not only was J comfortable, she also respected his wishes for palliative care. She turned harp music on and dimmed the lights; allowed our children the privilege of saying goodbye to their dad even though there was a COVID protocol in place.
Shortly after the change of shifts the following morning, J's kidneys failed completely. He was at the end of his life. It was a blessing for us that Adwoa was on duty once again. Adwoa was present with J and me throughout his final dying process.
As a retired RN, I know about death and dying. But one is never fully prepared when you watch your loved one take his last breath. Presence perfectly describes Adwoa's Nursing Intervention in the 24 hours that J was in her care. Adwoa is not only a competent and skilled RN, she has compassion and empathy.
Please give Adwoa this thank you note and share this with her. St. Vincent is privileged to have a nurse like Adwoa on staff.