Aileen Martinez
January 2024
WOO Acute Care Floor 5
Texas Children's Hospital
United States




Despite knowing how sick my little man was, Aileen remained calm and reassuring the whole time, which for a mom works wonders for your psyche!
My little 10 day old was admitted for RSV. We had Aileen Martinez for two days on the 3rd floor, both of which were day 4 and 5 of symptoms from RSV which everyone had told us that those are usually the worst, and they were not wrong! We went from 2L to maxed out at 60% of 8L which is the most they could accommodate on the acute care floor, before having to be moved to PICU! We were on this max setting by early morning hours of day 5! Despite knowing how sick my little man was, Aileen remained calm and reassuring the whole time, which for a mom works wonders for your psyche! I am an iCU nurse myself but that means nothing when you are watching your 13 day old breathe almost 80 times a minute. Later on in our stay we realized how much almost 9L truly was for a newborn when it took us almost a week to ween off 1/2L of oxygen. Those by far were the roughest 2 days we had, and not only was my little one fighting so hard but I was also only 13 days postpartum so as you can imagine I was crying every 2 hours. My babies comfort and breathing status was her #1 one priority, and her and the whole team worked hard for 2 days trying to keep us out of the icu, however she did not once leave the room without checking on me or asking what she can do for me. Her calm demeanor , and her skills and knowledge on what to do for my little one kept me completely at peace about his care throughout those rough two days! We stayed a total of 2 weeks in the hospital and she even came back to check on us the following week to see how we were doing. Thank you again Aileen.